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華梵美術系拍攝-立體與裝置作品(攝影 吳欣穎)_365.jpg


Size: 110×100×30cm

Material: Composite media

Time: 12/2017

In recent years, the number of fireflies in our country is declining. The reason is urbanization and land development. Because of this reason, the habitat and ecology of fireflies have been impacted.

I put balls into different sizes of bottles. When people turn off the light, they will only see the balls glowing. This means that without humans disturbing, the fireflies can live freely and happily. But when you turn on the light, the balls will stop glowing, which represent that these trapped fireflies cannot live long and can’t reproduce. This work is to remind people that behavior of catching them would cost the lives of the fireflies.

螢 / Firefly: Bio
華梵美術系拍攝-立體與裝置作品(攝影 吳欣穎)_365.jpg
螢 / Firefly: Image
華梵美術系拍攝-立體與裝置作品(攝影 吳欣穎)_373.jpg
螢 / Firefly: Image
華梵美術系拍攝-立體與裝置作品(攝影 吳欣穎)_376.jpg
螢 / Firefly: Image
華梵美術系拍攝-立體與裝置作品(攝影 吳欣穎)_371.jpg
螢 / Firefly: Image
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