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華梵美術系拍攝-立體與裝置作品(攝影 吳欣穎)_357.jpg


Size: 180×180cm

Material: Composite media

Time: 10/2017

In Chinese “Hai-gue” means both “coming home” and “turtle.”

The Green Turtle is an endangered species. There are only 200,000 spawning female turtles in the world. In most of the places, the number of Green Turtles is decreasing and their habitats are constantly disappearing.

海歸/ Hai-Gue: Bio
海歸/ Hai-Gue: Video

I divided 100 light balls into five sections, each section had 20 light balls. In the beginning, all the light balls will glow together. Then in every 10 seconds, a se ction of light balls would be extinguished. The prosses repeats until all the light balls are extinguished. The extinguishment of light balls means the number of turtles is decreasing. The turtle will disappear if people continue to destroy the environment.

海歸/ Hai-Gue: Text
華梵美術系拍攝-立體與裝置作品(攝影 吳欣穎)_355.jpg
海歸/ Hai-Gue: Image
華梵美術系拍攝-立體與裝置作品(攝影 吳欣穎)_356.jpg
海歸/ Hai-Gue: Image
華梵美術系拍攝-立體與裝置作品(攝影 吳欣穎)_360.jpg
海歸/ Hai-Gue: Image
華梵美術系拍攝-立體與裝置作品(攝影 吳欣穎)_362.jpg
海歸/ Hai-Gue: Image
海歸/ Hai-Gue: Video
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